The AOH was founded in this country in 1836 at St. James Church in New York City. Our roots, however, are found in Ireland dating back 300 years. Since then we have continued to grow and prosper until the AOH has become the largest and most influential body of men, both young and old, of Irish lineage in the world. The AOH is THE American fraternal organization of individuals of Irish descent and strives to:
- A) Promote friendship, unity and Christian charity among its members;
- B) Uphold and sustain loyalty to the government of the United States of American by members of the AOH;
- C) Aid and advance by all legitimate means the aspirations and endeavors of the Irish people for complete and absolute independence, promoting peace with justice and unity for all Ireland;
- D) Foster the ideals and perpetuate the history and traditions and culture of the Irish people;
- E) Encourage an equitable U.S. immigration law for Ireland and to cooperate with all groups for a fair American immigration policy;
- F) Accept and support without prejudice the concept of free expression of religious practice for the people of the world.
To be admitted, men must be of Irish birth or Irish descent (regardless of amount) through either parent, a practicing Catholic and at least sixteen years of age.
As an organization, the AOH has a mission far more important than that of the typical fraternal society. The fact that our membership is limited to those of the Catholic faith and of Irish descent stamps it as different in its scope.
If you feel good about being an Irish Catholic and if being Irish means more than wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day, then the Ancient Order of Hibernians is for you. Apply for membership in the AOH, then once accepted enjoy our monthly meetings. You will be a part of the friendship, unity and Christian charity that is the AOH in America.
…Yes! I am proud to be Irish Catholic and wish to become a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America.